"My experience in Rome began in the late 1948, after the sad conclusion of the Alliance of Culture Exhibition, with the participation of “Rodrigo” [ Roderigo ndt] Togliatti who reviewed the exhibition very badly and carelessly. I had worked at its organization, as a member of the Committee, within the Labriola Circle, to organize it using all the personal contacts of invited artists, from Rome, Venice, and Milan. I had met most artists at the National Exhibition of Bergamo in 1942. It was not at all easy to travel back and forth from these cities to contact and invite the representatives mostly from the Fronte delle Arti in Venice, artists born around 1910.

I think that it is fair, after almost half a century, to disclose a few sad, seemingly insignificant episodes, but which actually led me to make specific choices afterwards that would affect me for the rest of my life, fret me in silence with pride, against those who volunteered unworthily, being politically strong, rampant, armed with big wide smiles, confident that they would bend me... and maybe someone else, in various areas within our country”

(A. Borgonzoni, from his Personal diary, above-mentioned)